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Biotechnology - Advanced
Fleming College - Sutherland Peterborough , Ontario
  • Duration: 5 Semester
  • Degree Name: Biotechnology - Advanced
  • Discipline Life Sciences
  • Program Level: Advanced Diploma
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Special Admission Requirements
  • Grade 12 / High School with English (min 60 %) , Mathematics(min60%)
  • Min IELTS overall: 6.0 (Min Reading: 6.0 , Min Writing: 6.0 , Min Listening: 6.0 , Min Speaking: 6.0 )

With a career in the field of biotechnology with an emphasis in forensics, you have diverse employment opportunities, from working in biological research to quality assurance, to medical or health-related fields, tracking down criminals or identifying victims of crime. Laboratory related occupations are among the fastest growing occupations in the economy. With specialization in forensics and biotechnology, this program is unique and its graduates are in demand in this emerging field. This advanced diploma program would traditionally take six semesters to complete. However, the program has been designed in an accelerated, compressed format, to provide six semesters of course work over five semesters. In their final, fifth semester, students can complete their full-time internship from April to August - giving graduates the advantage of getting out into the workforce faster. (Should they so choose, students may defer the summer internship until the fall.) Courses in the program integrate theory and practice opportunities in labs and practice settings. Graduates will be critical thinkers with problem-solving abilities, strong interpersonal, teamwork and communication skills and a solid foundation in forensic/DNA/medical applications.

Description Sub Total
Avg Application Fee $100
Avg Cost of Tuition/Year $18092.68
Avg Yearly Cost of Living $12000
Estimated Other school expenses and fees $0
Estimated Total/Year $30192.68
Study and Work in Canada

Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.

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