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General Arts and Science - University Transfer
Fleming College - Sutherland Peterborough , Ontario
  • Duration: 2 Semester
  • Degree Name: General Arts and Science - University Transfer
  • Discipline Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Program Level: Certificate
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Special Admission Requirements
  • Grade 12 / High School with English (min 60 %)
  • Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 6 , Min Writing: 6 , Min Listening: 6 , Min Speaking: 6 )

Acquire a solid foundation in university-level social sciences and humanities while also earning a full year of university credits. If you do not have the necessary academic credentials to enter university directly, or you want to develop your skills, knowledge and self-confidence to be successful in university, this program is for you. If you have been out of school for a while and would like to pursue a new career that requires a degree, this program is also for you. Discover new ways of seeing the world through powerful ideas in psychology, sociology, literature, and philosophy. Learn from faculty with advanced degrees who can prepare you for success in today's universities. The cost savings of studying university-level courses at college tuition rates are considerable. And the benefits of improved confidence in your learning abilities and academic readiness are immeasurable. The one-year University Transfer program will: develop your academic readiness in core disciplines in social sciences and humanities prepare you for success at university with necessary skills in research, academic writing, and critical thinking provide you with a broad, multi-disciplinary curriculum to help you choose a major facilitate entry to university: complete the program successfully and you earn credit for first year of Bachelor's degree courses at Trent University or Carleton University. The General Arts and Science - University Transfer curriculum delivers more than just challenging individual courses. Academic disciplines have developed together over time. The influences they exert on one another, and their research methods and major theories, are best appreciated through an integrated program of study such as the University Transfer option. This program is unique in its emphasis on providing students with a coherent overview of Literature, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology. These complementary courses will provide you with the opportunity to apply your learning across the curriculum. The faculty believe that the integrated design of the program will help students develop as thinkers, writers and researchers. Your writing skills will also grow. In the classroom and outside it, written communication takes many forms - essays, laboratory reports, and practical business documentation. In the University Transfer curriculum, faculty co-ordinate their efforts to help students develop these related writing skills. You won't have to do it all alone. With Fleming College's focus on supporting student success, our faculty team and counselors can help you navigate this journey. With this year of intellectual development and growth you will build a strong foundation for continued academic success

Description Sub Total
Avg Application Fee $100
Avg Cost of Tuition/Year $13821.00
Avg Yearly Cost of Living $12000
Estimated Other school expenses and fees $0
Estimated Total/Year $25921.00
Study and Work in Canada

Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.

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