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Lakehead University - Thunder Bay Thunder Bay , Ontario
  • Duration: 8 Semester
  • Discipline Life Sciences
  • Program Level: Bachelor's Degree
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Special Admission Requirements
  • Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6 , Min Writing: 6 , Min Listening: 6 , Min Speaking: 6 )

Four Year program A student may, in consultation with the department, enter the Honours BSc program in Biology with Concentration in Neuroscience in any year providing an overall 70% average has been attained in the biology courses of the preceding years. An overall average of at least 70% in all biology courses taken in the fourth year must also be maintained. A cumulative average of 70% in Biology courses is required in both the Major and Concentration. Should a 70% average not be attained, the student may apply for the BSc (Biology) with Concentration in Neuroscience Four Year degree. At least 5 FCEs of Biology courses must be taken during the four years, 3 FCEs of which must be at the third year level or higher. The Biology programs permit students to select courses according to their career aspirations. In addition to a variety of elective courses there is a set of core courses. Each student is required to take each of the following compulsory courses: Biology 1110 - Animal Biology Biology 1130 - Plant Biology Biology 2171 - Genetics Biology 2210 - Introductory Ecology Biology 2230 - Cell Biology Biology 3012 – Indigenous Ethnobotany Biology 3671 - Evolutionary Concepts Students are encouraged to select elective courses that are congruent with one of the following two lists: (a) Cell and Molecular Biology, (b) Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology. Students are advised to contact a Biology advisor regarding elective courses. See the Biology Elective Lists on the Biology Programs Information page. First Year: (a) Biology 1110, 1130 (b) Chemistry 1110, 1130 (c) Mathematics 1151, 1152 or 1171, 1172 (d) Psychology 1100 (e) One-half FCE Type C course other than biology (Physics 1211 recommended) (f) One-half FCE that is not Type C (English 1015 recommended) Second Year: (a) Biology 2171, 2210, 2230 (b) Chemistry 2211, 2231 (c) Mathematics 2310, 2311 (d) Psychology 2013, 3013 (e) One-half FCE elective course Third Year: (a) Biology 3012, 3250 (b) One FCE from either Biology 3252 and 3272 or Chemistry 3251 and 3271 (c) Psychology 3019, 4019 (d) One FCE selected from the listed Neuroscience elective courses (e) One-half FCE Type C course not in Biology (f) One-half FCE elective course Fourth Year: (a) Biology 3671 (b) Two FCEs in Biology at the third year level or higher (c) Psychology 4511 (d) One FCE at the third year level or higher selected from the listed Neuroscience elective courses (e) One-half FCE Type C course at the third year level or higher (f) One-half FCE elective course that is not Type C Notes: 1. Students considering graduate school are strongly encouraged to take Biology 4101 as 1.0 FCE towards the degree requirement of “Two FCEs in Biology at the third year level or higher” or “One FCE at the third year level or higher selected from the listed Neuroscience elective courses” in Fourth Year. Students must arrange for a faculty supervisor before the start of Fourth Year if they wish to register in Biology 4101. 2. This program fulfills the Indigenous Content Requirement by including Biology 3012. Concentration in Neuroscience The Concentration in Neuroscience consists of 5 FCEs: 3 FCEs of required courses and 2 FCEs of elective courses chosen from the list below. 1. Neuroscience required courses (3 FCEs) Biology 3250 – Animal Physiology I Psychology 2013 – Foundations of Neuroscience Psychology 3013 - Behavioural Neuroscience Psychology 3019 - Sensory Neuroscience Fundamentals Psychology 4019 - Perception and Perceptual Process Psychology 4511 – Learning and Memory 2. Neuroscience elective courses (2 FCEs) Biology 2012 – Human Internal Anatomy Biology 2910 – Laboratory Biology Biology 3112 - Biostatistics Biology 3251 – Animal Physiology II Biology 3253 – Animal Physiology III Biology 3990 - Research Internship I Biology 3991 – Research Internship II Biology 4101 – Honours Thesis Biology 4610 – Special Topics in Biology (with a topic in Neuroscience) Biology 4850 - Neurochemistry Biology 4751 - Neurobiology I Biology 4752 - Neurobiology II Chemistry 4210 – Principles of Medicinal Chemistry Physics 2510 – Introduction to Medical Physics Philosophy 2511 - Biomedical Ethics Psychology 2511- Learning Psychology 2917 - Research Opportunity Psychology 3114 - Principles of Psychopharmacology Psychology 3115 - Drugs and Behaviour Psychology 3511 - Animal Behaviour Psychology 3715 - Psychology of Human Sexuality Psychology 4012 - Evolutionary Psychology Psychology 4711 - Neuropsychological Dysfunctions

Description Sub Total
Avg Application Fee $135
Avg Cost of Tuition/Year $25000
Avg Yearly Cost of Living $12000
Estimated Other school expenses and fees $0
Estimated Total/Year $37135.00
Study and Work in Canada

Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.

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