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Computer Programming(Co-Op)
Algonquin College - Ottawa Ottawa , Ontario
  • Duration: 4 Semester
  • Degree Name: Computer Programming
  • Discipline Physical Sciences and Mathematics
  • Program Level: Diploma
Available Intakes
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Special Admission Requirements
  • Grade 12 / High School with English (min 60 %) , Mathematics(min80%)
  • Min IELTS overall: 6.0 (Min Reading: 6.0 , Min Writing: 6.0 , Min Listening: 6.0 , Min Speaking: 6.0 )

The two-year Computer Programmer Ontario College Diploma program prepares you for a career in software development. The program also specializes in program development strategies (using object-oriented modelling), database design and database administration. Use leading industry software products such as Oracle and CASE tools. Learn about programming languages such as Java, COBOL, SQL and PHP. Study object-oriented analysis and design, operating systems and coding in integrated environments, and learn how to debug, test, and maintain codes. In your final semester, participate in a software development project working with external clients to gain real-world experience in the programming field. Students also have the option to gain real-world experience through a paid co-operative education (co-op) work term (see Additional Information for more details). Please note that places in the co-op version of the program are subject to availability. Students who elect to apply to the non co-op version of the program may not have the opportunity to transfer to the co-op version at a later date. Graduates may work in a variety of different fields, as almost all sectors of industry require programmers. You may be employed as: a software programmer a web programmer a business programmer an application programmer Graduates may also find opportunities in database design and database administration. SUCCESS FACTORS This program is well-suited for students who: Enjoy solving problems. Are life-long learners ready to meet the challenges presented by rapidly changing technology. Take pleasure in providing assistance to others (build computer systems to meet their needs). Enjoy working with others as a member of a team. Can work independently. Are organized in their work and pay attention to detail.

Description Sub Total
Avg Application Fee $95
Avg Cost of Tuition/Year $17910
Avg Yearly Cost of Living $12000
Estimated Other school expenses and fees $0
Estimated Total/Year $30005.00
Study and Work in Canada

Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.

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